First Doctoral Students Research Poster Exhibtion Winners Announced

The First PhD Students Research Poster Exhibition Day event held in AAiT on March 30 - 31, 2018.It was organized by AAiT Director for Research and Technology Transfer and University Industry Linkage. The exhibition was the first of its kind in AAiT which is solely dedicated to PhD students.
The exhibition was intended to promote PhD programs of AAiT, to offer AAiT doctoral students the chance to communicate their research work to the wider community and to create a platform that brings together the Addis Ababa institute of Technology community by promoting widespread access to new knowledge and experiences.
At the beginning of the event welcoming speeches were made by. Dr. Esayas G/Youhannes, Executive Director of AAiT and professor Lim (Director for Research and TT and UIL). Then a short presentation about the event was given by Dr. Beteley Tekola.
About 21 posters were exhibited from different schools: 13 from School of Chemical and Bio Engineering (SCBE), 4 from School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (SMIE),3 from School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE) and 1 from School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SCEE).The posters covered various areas of science and engineering research.
During the exhibition PhD candidates got an opportunity to present their research to community and industry, to discuss their findings with academics, to collect feedbacks and answered questions raised from the attendants. AAiT community and students from other campuses attended the exhibition and the contests.
The posters were evaluated by Dr. Shegaw Ahmed,Dr. FeteneMulugeta and Dr. Eduardo Ojito to select the best three poser presentations. Mr. Gutema Moreda(SCBE), Mr. Tilahun Nigussie (SMIE), Mr. Aysanew Gorems (SCBE) were selected as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd best poster exhibitions respectively. Research or travel grant to participate in national conferences will be provided to the winner in addition to the certificate of award and participation. Most of the participants said that they have learnt how to prepare poster, communicate their research results to the academics, students and other general audiences.
Finally, Dr. Beteley, Associate Director for research urged that this exhibition has proven an excellent opportunity for meeting people with similar research interests and advised other PhD candidates to take good lessons from this event and actively join in the upcoming exhibition. The DRTTUIL office informed us that this kind of exhibition including oral presentation will be held annually.