Extension Division and continuing Education
- In the modern-days, development of a country mainly depends on the development of the industries. The development of these sectors significantly depends on the standard of technical education nurtured by the universities and the technical institutes of the country. It is observed that most of the devel¬oped countries maintain a strong relationship between the universities and the industries. It is believed that the universities are the gateway of new technologies. Universities develop new technologies and by co-operating with indus¬tries they implement these technologies to raise the standard and effectiveness of the industry. Universities take the responsibilities to provide technical human resources for the industries of any country
- Addis Ababa Institute of Technology has been serving the country and also advanced the University’s reputation. It has trained most of Technicians and Engineers. The country that are playing key roles in the various sectors of development in the country
- The core Strategy of each Department is to pursue its vision and mission to enhance its research, linkage with industry, academic and scholarly activities and become a center of excellence for its programs, thereby improving its eminence in national and international rankings
Vision Statement
- Each Department in collaboration with the Extension Division aspires to excel in teaching, research, and industry linkage/consultancy at a national level as well as regionally and also in producing competent engineers to solve the problem of our country and bring about growth.
- The attainment of this vision will require hard work on the part of Extension program in the evening time the Faculty/Department, staff, and students. This effort will require collaboration with the administration, alumni, industrial friends, different organizations and other universities