Activities performed by the Office for Research, Technology Transfer and University Industry Linkages (RTTUIL)
The office for Research, Technology Transfer and University Industry Linkages (RTTUIL) of Addis Ababa Institute of Technology has been doing its level best in carrying out the activities planned for the year 2008 E.C. The following are summary of the activities with respect to research, technology transfer and university industry linkages.
The office has identified five thematic research areas and submitted proposal to AAiT Managing Director Office.
The thematic research titles identified and submitted are:
- The state of electrical power distribution system
- Micro-hydro power plant development
- Small scale sustainable biodiesel production from Jathropha
- Integrating optimal post-harvest supply chain with appropriate technologies to minimize food loss
- Activated carbon production from agriculture
There are also project proposals already submitted to establish centers and institutes in AAiT. These project proposals have passed two screening project evaluation stages and awaiting final decisions. The centers/institutes proposed to establish include:
- African Center of Excellence for Nanotechnology
- East African Center for Energy System
- African Railway Education and Research Institute
- African Center of Excellence for Food and Nutrition
Besides, there are some three adaptive problem solving projects submitted to Addis Ababa University for funding. These projects are:
- Bamboo-Based Water Purification Technology
- Customized Design and Development of Solar-Powered Pump for Small-Scale Irrigation Application
- Integration of Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise with Addis Ababa Light Rail Transport
- The office also organized Training on Scientific Computing for Research for AAiT academic staffs for duration of two weeks.
Technology Transfer
Activities being carried out under technology transfer effort include:
- Processing the Financing of Prototype Fabrication for
- Injera Baking Gasitier Stove
- Model Slide-able Black and White boards
- Patenting of some three projects is underway. Projects being in process for patenting are
- Biogas Stove
- Manual Jatropha Oil Extractor
- Improved ‘Tikikil’ Stove
- Together with schools/centers Research and Technology Transfer officers, best projects of previous years and ongoing projects are beingidentified to organize a research open day in AAiT compound.
- Visiting industries to identify research, training and consultancy needs of industries
University Industry Linkages
Activities carried out under university industry linkages include:
- Assigning Internship students in different industrial settings
- Visiting industries to secure internship positions and identify research, training and consultancy needs of industries.
- Signing Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) with different industries in the country. The following are some of the companies with whom the Director office for RTT/UIL have signed MoU
- Wonji Sugar Factory
- Methara Sugar Factory
- Sentic Ethiopian plc
- Techtra Engineering plc
- Nehemiya Engineering plc
- Nigat Mechanical plc
- Amio Engineering plc
- Asmenplc
- Ethiopian Crown Cork & Can Manufacturing Industry
- Kaliti Metal Products Factory
- Hibret Machinery Construction Industry
- BMET Energy Telecom Industry
- Walia Steel Industry
- Ethio-leather industry plc
- Addis Ababa Leather Factory
- Dire Leather Factory
- Walia leather and Leather Products plc
- Hafde Leather Factory
- Addis Ketema Sweets Factory
- Nib Sweets and Candy Factory
- Royal Candy and Chocolate Factory plc
- Ambo Mineral Water Share Company
- AsnakeAlchol Drinks Industry
- Afia Food Complex
- Tena Migib Producers Plc
- Nas Foods plc
- Tasty Foods plc
- East African Tiger Brand Industries
- Burayu Packaging and Printing Industry
- Repi Soap and Detergent Share Company
- Yekatit Paper Converting Enterprise
- Nefas Silk Paints Factory
- About 300,000 Euro grant is secured for Food Engineering capacity building
- The project gives two PhD scholarships for academic staff as March 2014
- Two academic staff recruited for PhD scholarship have already joined the program and doing their PhD at KU Leuven, Belgium
- 500,000 Euro for 5 years for project entitled “ Enhancing Education and Research in Networking and Communications Engineering (ENhaNCE)”
- A special study project worth US$ 37,000 for and entitled “The Effect of Watershed Management Practices on Reservoir Sedimentation at Upper Blue Nile (Abbay) River Basin”
- For a joint study, “Global Earth Observation for Integrated Water Resources Assessment (Earth2Observe)” for SCEE: phase-I funding of 77,000 EURO
- Joint research project with SCEE on project entitled “Triple Green” to support a PhD study, funds of around Birr 320,000 received
I. Sugar Corporation
II. Metal Industry Development Institute
III. Leather Industry Development Institute
IV. Food, Beverage and Pharmaceuticals Industry Development Institute
V. Ethiopian Construction Project Management Institute
VI. Coca-Cola Company
VII. Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation
VIII. Ethiopian Light and Power Corporation
IX. Ethiopian Airlines
X. Chemical and Construction Inputs Industry Development Institute
Research, Technology Transfer and University- Industry Linkage
Team project financed by Belgium government photogenic
Finland government grant
Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) research grant
Finland government grant
Stockholm University (Sweden)
KTH, Sweden
- KTH and AAiT re-initiate a joint project on River Engineering
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
DanKook Univ.(Korea)
University of Connecticut (USA)
AAU research grant for 2005 E.C.
Ministry of Transport for funding student and staff research
(Birr 400,000)
Ministry of Science and Technology research grant for 2005 E.C
Ministry of Science and Technology research grant for 2006 E.C
University –Industry Linkage
Establishment of Samsung Engineering Academy in AAiT (Nov 2013
Governmental Consultancy
Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project (Feb 2014)
Fertilizer project consultancy (Mar 2014 )
LIDI Performance Evaluation consultancy
In progress
Technology Transfer Alliance (TTA) Project
Ministry of Science and Technology research proposal call
University –Industry Linkage
Dow chemicals technical support for bio-plastic feasibility study