School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Establishment and general overview
- The College of Engineering under the then Haile Selassie I University had few departments during the first years of its establishment. One of these departments was the Department of Civil Engineering founded in 1955. The first batch of students graduated with Bachelor of Science degrees in 1958. After 21 years of educating undergraduate students, the Department launched graduate programs in the fields of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering in 1979
- The Department took yet another big step in the year 2005 by launching a PhD program. Finally, under the reform of the academic and research structure of the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology [AAiT] in 2012, the Department of Civil Engineering was upgraded to the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering [SCEE]
Mission of the School
- The mission of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is to provide high quality civil engineering education and training, to undertake basic and applied research focusing on local problems while maintaining international standards, and to render professional services for national development
The objectives of the School are to prepare students for
- Excellence in engineering decision-making and design
- Leadership careers in engineering practice
- Graduate professional engineering education
- Advanced study and research in engineering
- Diverse and alternative career choices
Program Objective
- This program is aimed at training manpower required for the realization of the country’s untouched civil engineering works. Well qualified civil engineers with adequate knowledge in the area of structural, highway, geotechnical and water resources and who can be actively engaged in the planning, development and management of civil engineering projects will be produced through this program. Specifically, the trainees will be equipped with the knowledge that enables them to execute the following tasks
- Undertake project identification, pre-feasibility and feasibility study and detail design of civil engineering works
- Prepare complete contract documents and terms of references for civil engineering projects
- Plan, manage, monitor and evaluate the operation and maintenance of civil engineering works; and
- Remodel and rehabilitate of existing civil engineering works
Graduate Profile
- Professional civil engineers need a good grasp of mathematics and design, and the ability to manage and liaise with a wide variety of people. They need to be able to think in all dimensions and communicate ideas effectively. This kind of engineering is suited to people who are practical with a creative characteristic. Hence, the graduate from the Civil Engineering Department has the following profile
- The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science in a specialized area related to civil engineering
- The ability to design and conduct laboratory experiments, to critically analyze and interpret data, in major Civil Engineering areas such as , Structural, Geotechnical, Transportation, Water resources, Construction Technology and Management, and Environmental Engineering
- The ability to analyze and design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical health and safety, constructability, and sustainability in selected major Civil Engineering areas such as Structural, Geotechnical, Transportation, Water resources, Construction Technology and Management, and Environmental Engineering
- The ability to function in multidisciplinary teams
- The ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing
- The ability to identify, formulate and solve Civil Engineering problems in recognized major civil engineering areas
- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities of civil engineers in relation to public and private institutions and in the context of Civil Engineering infrastructure systems
- Recognizing the need for professional licensure and life-long learning
- Knowledge of contemporary issue
- The ability to use the techniques, skills, modern engineering tools and software necessary in selected major Civil Engineering areas, such as Structural, Geotechnical, Transportation, Water resources, Construction Technology and Management, and Environmental Engineering
- An understanding of professional practice issues such as project management and interactions between the development, design, and construction professions
- An understanding of business and public policy and administration fundamentals; and
- An understanding of leadership principles and attitudes
Facilities for Academic Purposes
- Construction Materials Laboratory
- Highway Engineering Laboratory
- Hydraulics Laboratory
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Laboratory
- Geotechnical Engineering laboratory
- Hydro informatics Laboratory
- Several Computer Laboratories
Research and community services
Research and community services undertaken recently and in-progress
- Integrated Water Resources Development (Sida/SAREC supported), 2000-2005
- Upstream–downstream impacts in the Nile: Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands and its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile, 2008-2009
- Income generation and climate protection by valorizing municipal solid wastes in a sustainable way in emerging megacities, (with Stuttgart University), 2010-2011
- Development, operation and training for flood forecasting model to Lake Tana areas (ENTRO-NBI-WB supported), 2009-2011
- Revision of the Ethiopian Building Code Standard (EBCS) (Ministry of Urban Development and Construction), 2011 – 2013
- Traffic Flow on Urban Road Networks and Analysis of Its Environmental, Economic and Psycho-Social Impacts (AAU Thematic Research Fund), 2013 – 2017
- Development of Dynamic and Integrated Water Resources Management System for River Basins of Ethiopia (AAU Thematic Research Fund), 2013 – 2017
- Feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Studies, Detailed Engineering Design, Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Tender Document Preparation for Muketuri-Alemketema Road Project (Ethiopian Roads Authority), 2012 – 2013¨ Feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Studies, Detailed Engineering Design, Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Tender Document Preparation for Ejere-Gundomeskel-Weleka Road Project (Ethiopian Roads Authority), 2013 – 2014
Partnerships and Collaborations
International Collaborations
- New Mexico State University (USA)
- University of Mississippi (USA)
- University of Connecticut (USA)
- Stuttgart University (Germany)
- TechnischeUniversitaetMuenchen (Germany)
- SLU University (Sweden)
- Southwest Jiaotong University (China)
- Indian Institute of Technology (India)
- Korea University (Korea)
- University of Tokyo (Japan)
National Collaborations
- Ethiopian Roads Authority
- Ethiopian Railways Corporation
- Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy
- Ethiopian Regional Universities
- Ministry of Urban Development and Construction
- The Road Fund Office
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Transport