PhD Cand., Brest National School of Engineering, France
Former Dean, School of Information Technology and Engineering, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Lecturer, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Overview Natnael is a member of School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) of Addis Ababa Institute of Technology. His research work focuses on the intersection of Interactive Machine Learning, Social Robots and Cyber Intelligence.
Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in three joint laboratories namely: Brest National School of Engineering ( ENIB ) - France, International Research Laboratory CROSSING IRL (IRL CROSSING) - Australia, and University of Miami (UoM) - USA.
Commercial* Projects : Natnael worked in the following projects and companies:
- Senior Project Manager @Hanson Robotics - Sophia Humanoid Robot Project
- Chief Operation Officer @iCogLabs - TeleHealth, Trend Prediction, Sophia Perception projects
- Managing Director @Med Innovations - CMS Framework
- Program Development Team Member @INSA
- Ethiopia Sugar Corporation - ERP and AMS Corporate Consultant
- OpenCog - Senior Project Manager
Academic Researches
- Distributed Score Based Job Scheduling Framework for Cloud Computing Environment - Master's Thesis
- Interactive Visual Salience Prediction
- Interactive Machine Learning: State of the Art
- Facial Puppetry: The Human in the Loop Approach - In Progress
Research interest :Artificial Intelligence, Social Robotics, and AI for Cyber Intelligence
Course areas: Natnael delivered the following courses to graduate and undergraduate students of Addis Ababa Institute of Technology.
- Cognitive and Neural Science - Graduate Courses
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Computer Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Database Systems
- Software Engineering: Requirement Engineering
- Software Verification and Validation
- Advanced Computer Programs
- Robotics and Embedded Systems
- Web Design and Programming
- Distributed Systems
- Software Project Management
- Enterprise Database Administration
- Cloud Computing
- Internet Programming
- Computer Vision
- Fundamentals of Computer Science
Experience in University:
- ENIB Research Assistant - 2+ years
- Addis Ababa University Lecturer and Dean of School of Information Technology and Engineering - 8+ years
- Bule Hora University Lecturer and Computer Science Department Head - 2+ years
WhatsApp +33603431556 or natnael.argaw@aau.edu.et