Solomon Tesfamariam Teferi (PhD)
Assistant Professor
Joined AAU: October 2016
Addis Ababa University (AAU)
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT)
Energy Center
Email: solomon.tesfamariam@aait.edu.et
Teaching summary
Solomon is faculty and currently head of Energy Center at Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT)-Addis Ababa University (AAU). He is the co-investigator for the research project entitled "Energy system development pathways for Ethiopia (PATHWAYS)" sponsered by Oxford Policy Management (OPM). He is also a local PI for Microgrid Academy under the Renewable Energy Solution for Africa (RES4Africa) where AAiT is a partner.
He gained reach experience by working together and sharing experiences with others in all the organization he has been working. He has worked as a senior expert in Industry, Trade and Transport Bureau Tigray, Ethiopia for three years.
For sixteen years he was a faculty at Bahir Dar University where he served in different academic and administration position. He served as department head, school director, deputy scientific director, associate editor for the Ethiopian Science and Technology Journal, Local coordinator in Ethiopia for the MSc program in Sustainable Energy Engineeering KTH-Sweden, Local coordinator for the MSc and PhD home grown PhD Program funded by Germany. He is an active reviewer in ELSEVIER journals (Renewable ENERGY Journal and Geothermic Journal). He is serving as Publication Council Chair and Board Member in Ethiopian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Solomon has earned MSc in Heat and Power Engineeering from Pryiazovski State Technical University (PSTU), Mariupol-Ukraine and PhD in Solar Refrigerator for Fish Preservation from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B), Mumbai-India.
Teaching summary
PhD: Advanced Refrigeration and Air conditioning; Bioenergy Technology.
MSc Courses: Renewable Energy Resources and Technology; Solar Thermal Energy Engineering; Advanced Power Plant Engineering; Sustainable Power Generation and Utilization; Geothermal Engineering; Energy management in Textile Industry; Energy Conservation and the environment; Thermal Equipments and System Design; Advanced Thermodynamics; Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer; Advanced Fluid Mechanics; Aerodynamics; Advanced Turbo Machinery; Instrumentation and Process Control; Quantitative Methods for Energy study; Numerical Methods for Engineers.
BSc Courses: Engineering Thermodynamics; Fluid Mechanics; Finite Element Methods; Turbo machinery; Gas Turbine and Jet; refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Propulsion; Refrigeration and Air conditioning; Power Plant Engineering; Solar and Biomass Engineering; Engineering
Mechanics (Dynamics); Engineering Drawing
Research Interests
Renewable Energy;
Solar Energy;
Energy Conservation and the Environment;
Heat Pumps (Refrigeration and Air-conditioning);
Sorption Cooling Systems;
Energy Modelling.