Dr. Tensay Gebremedhin Berhe

Full Name: Dr. Tensay Gebremedhin Berhe
Academic rank: Assistant Professor
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Email: tensay@engineer.com
Tel: +251 923 2094 77
Address: Addis Ababa Institute of Technology King George VI St Addis Ababa 1000 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Office number: Block E, Rm No. 116
Research interest
- Soil structure interaction ( Static and dynamic)
- Mat, pile foundations, retaining walls, deep excavation supporting structure
- Soil modeling ( Static and dynamic)
- Constitutive modeling
- Liquefaction
- Computational geo-mechanics (FEM, FDM)
- Dynamic behavior of embankment dams
- Slopes
Course Code | Course Name | Level of Course | Other remarks |
CENG 6205 | Theory of Elasticity in Geotechnical Engineering | Masters | |
CENG 6202 | Adv Computational Methods in Geotechnical Engineering | Masters | |
CEng6204 | Advanced Foundation Engineering | Masters | |
CENG 6207 | Advanced Soil Mechanics | Masters | |
CENG 6206 | Soil Dynamics | Masters | |
CENG 7203 | Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering | Masters | |
CENG 6210 | Design and Analysis of Embankment Dams | Masters | |
CENG 6208 | Slope Stability, Retaining Structures and underground structures | Masters | |
CENG 6204 | Adv Foundation Engineering | Masters | |
CENG 8201 | Tensor Analysis for Engineers | PhD | |
CENG 8202 | Continuum Mechanics | PhD | |
CENG 8203 | Advanced Finite Difference and Element Methods for Geotechnical Eng. | PhD | Not in AAiT |
Scientific, academic and artistic work
Journal publications
- (2010): Numerical investigation into the arrangement of clay core on seismic performance of earth dams. Geotechnical special publication under Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers 201 (375), 15; ASCE; ISBN ISSN 0734-7685
- (2010): Dynamic Analysis of municipal solid waste landfills in central Asia. Geotechnical special publication under Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers 201 (375), 13; ASCE; ISBN ISSN 0734-7685 -Many publications in conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Practical Experience
- Review of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation reports of different projects. To mention some
• Ashegoda wind power project ~ 230 Mln Euro project
• Adama wind power project ~ 7 Bln Birr project
• Dam projects
• Many national sugar factory projects (Omo Kuraz, Tana Beles)
• Many high-rise buildings
Geotechnical Engineering expert of many road projects.
• Structural designer/reviewer of many high-rise buildings
• Structural designer of many concrete and steel bridges (national and international)
• Designer/reviewer of embankment dams (national and international)
• Design review and construction supervisor of Ashegoda and Adama wind power project
• Structural designer of Machine Foundations of sugar factories.