Prof Alemayehu Teferra

Full Name: Alemayehu Teferra
Academic rank: Emeritus Professor
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tel: +251 924 356454
Address: Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
King George VI St Addis Ababa 1000 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Office number: 239
Research interest:
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering
- Stability and stabilization of slopes
- Soil stabilization
- Properties of tropical soils
- Soil modelling
- In-situ and laboratory measurements of soil properties
- Analysis and parametric study of piled raft foundation using finite-element based software
Plaxis-3D”. Journal of the Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers (EACE). Vol.8-No.8,2018 - Effect of sample preparation and testing procedure on the geotechnical properties of
tropically weathered residual, lateritic soils”. Zede: Journal of Ethiopian Engineers and Architects, Vol.33,2015 - Improved mathematical models for particle-size distribution data representation of
tropical weathered residual soils”. Zede: Journal of the Ethiopian and Engineers and Architects. Vol.32,2014 - On the Assessment of the Dynamic Response of Soils”. Zede: Journal of the Ethiopian
Association of Engineers and Architects, Vol. 9, 1991 - A Study on the Stability of the Stelae of Axum”. The Journal of CIB. Building Research and
Practice No. 4, July/August 1989 - Investigation on the Expansive Soils of Addis Ababa”. Zede: Journal of the Ethiopian
Association of Engineers and Architects, Vol. 7, 1986 - Design of Mat Foundation using the Method of the Modulus of Compressibility”. African
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol., 5, No. 2, 1986 - Design of Mat Foundation using the Method of the Modulus of Subgrade Reaction”. African
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol., 4, No. 2, 1985 - Estimation of the Angle of Internal Friction of Non-Cohesive Soils from Sounding Tests”.
Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1983 - Estimation of Settlement of Rigid Footings”. Zede: Journal of the Ethiopian Association of
Engineers and Architects, 1983. - Relation Between Liquid Limit and Shear Strength of Soils”. Materials Research and
Standards (ASTM) Vol. 5, No. 11, November, 1965 - Soil Mechanics - Addis Ababa University Press, 1999
- Foundation Engineering - Addis Ababa University Press ,1992
- Principles of Foundation Engineering - Addis Ababa University Press, 2008 ,2013#
- Formulae, Charts and Tables in the area of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.
Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 1988 - Soil Mechanics- Faculty of Technology, Addis Ababa University, 1981
Course Code | Course Name | Level of Course | Other remarks |
CEng 6206 | Advanced Soil Mechanics | Masters | |
CENG 6212 | Field exploration, Soil Testing and Monitoring | Masters | |
CENG 6208 | Analysis of Slopes, Earth Retaining Structures and Underground Conduits. | Masters | |
CENG 6209 | Engineering Properties of Tropical Soil | Master | |
CEng 6204 | Advanced Foundation Engineering | PhD |
Scientific, academic and artistic work
Journal publications