Overview: (Establishment& Graduate Summary)
Chemical Engineering education at Addis Ababa University was started as part of a minor Program within the then Department of Mechanical Engineering from 1981-1986. After five years of intensive preparation, a full-fledged Chemical Engineering Department was launched with a program leading to B.Sc. degree in 1986 with the following three objectives: Teaching, Research, Consultancy and Technical Services. After fifteen years of experience of running full fledged undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering, the department launched a postgraduate program in 2002. The first phase of the graduate program was commenced with a curriculum leading to Masters of Science in Chemical Engineering with emphasis on Process Engineering. After three years of graduated program experience, the second phase was activated in 2005 with two new emphasis areas - Food Engineering and Environmental Engineering. In line with the new strategic plan of the Addis Ababa University, the Department of Chemical Engineering has launched a PhD program in areas parallel to its M.Sc. Programs which are already running. After so many years of remarkable progress in teaching and research the chemical engineering department has grown into a School of Chemical and Bio Engineering in 2012.